Thursday, September 07, 2006

Job -vs- Running

I'm usually blessed with a job schedule that allows me an early morning or late afternoon run. Unfortunately UT football and Sept. 11 retrospectives at work have taken a front seat to running over the past few days. I'll complain a little but I know it's for the best. Last week I dropped my mileage substantially to take care of what may have been shin splints or a stress fracture. I didn't have it checked out but based on the high mileage and what everyone was saying it made perfect sense. So 40 ish miles last week helped tremendously.. this week I was hoping to get back up into the 60s, but UT football has thankfully kept me a little short of that lofty but not so intelligent goal. Wed. was an easy seven. Thursday a slacker like five.
I'll take Friday off and try to have a strong 22 Saturday. which should put me right over fifty for the week. Plenty considering how I felt just a two weeks ago. I've still got plenty of time for a couple of high mileage weeks before starting to taper for Chicago.


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